I Want to Be a Veterinarian When I Grow Up
De (autor): Chad M. Hamel
Most children grow up wanting to be a firefighter, ballerina, or a veterinarian. After experiencing the frustration himself as a child not being able to find a book about becoming a veterinarian, Dr. Chad Hamel wrote the first in a series, I Want to be a Veterinarian When I Grow Up. This book not only provides a positive message for children to study hard and persevere but provides plenty of laughs. Readers will soon be able to read the tales of Wally W. Wiggles and Gretchen G. Giggles - journeys to become the world's youngest veterinarians and their adventures of caring for animals.
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Descrierea produsului
Most children grow up wanting to be a firefighter, ballerina, or a veterinarian. After experiencing the frustration himself as a child not being able to find a book about becoming a veterinarian, Dr. Chad Hamel wrote the first in a series, I Want to be a Veterinarian When I Grow Up. This book not only provides a positive message for children to study hard and persevere but provides plenty of laughs. Readers will soon be able to read the tales of Wally W. Wiggles and Gretchen G. Giggles - journeys to become the world's youngest veterinarians and their adventures of caring for animals.
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